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In fabula
Permanent artwork : 1 % artistique 
Interactive artwork at Le Rize, centre Mémoires & Société - Villeurbanne (Fr)
Scenocosme : Grégory Lasserre & Anaïs met den Ancxt
in collaboration with Denis Vedelago & Anaïs Escot

In Fabula is a perpetual media art installation made with more than 500 people of the town of villeurbanne in France. This artwork is install inside the Rize centre Mémoires & Société de Villeurbanne.
In fabula was made during a long residency period from sptember 2008 to june 2009.
In Fabula - « in history » in latin, this artwork question the real and fictionnal memory of the inhabitant.

Permanent artwork : "1% artistique" inaugurated in june 2009 at Le Rize, centre Mémoires & Société - Villeurbanne (Fr)

Blog of the making off : infabula

Scenocosme : Gregory Lasserre & Anais met den Ancxt -